As a registered VA Community Care Program (VACCP) provider, Lac Vieux Desert Health Center is proud to cooperate with and support the VA’s goal of providing Veterans greater choice and more timely access to high-quality health care. The VA Mission Act of 2018 was signed into law and became effective in June 2019 and it replaces the Veterans Choice Program (VCP) with the Veteran Community Care Program (VCCP). This program is provided on behalf of and paid for by VA and is of particular benefit to those living in rural areas of the country such as the ones we serve.
General Information Flu Shots Indian Health Service / Tribal Health Program (IHS)/(THP)Community care is available to Veterans based on certain conditions and eligibility requirements, and in consideration of a Veteran’s specific needs and circumstances. Here are some important points about eligibility:
As with care provided directly by VA, Veterans are charged a copayment for nonservice-connected care. In addition, the VA may bill Veterans’ health insurance for medical care, supplies, and prescriptions related to treatment of nonservice-connected conditions.
For assistance and more information from VA, please call the VA Community Care Contact Center at 877-881-7618, (8 a.m. – 9 p.m. EST).
Community care flu shots are normally made available to eligible Veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care system and who received care through VA from either a VA or community provider such as Lac Vieux Desert Health Center within the past 24 months. Additionally, Veterans may be eligible for no cost flu shots during the flu season (Mid-September to end of May).
Before arriving at Lac Vieux Desert Health Center for your flu vaccination, please follow this checklist:
When arriving and registering for your vaccination, please inform us that you are a Veteran enrolled in VA health care and you would like vaccination to be paid for by VA. Please also be prepared to show your government-issued ID and as mentioned above, the Billing Information Card.
For more information about Vaccinations and Immunizations at Lac Vieux Desert Health Center, please click the link immediately below.
Vaccinations and ImmunizationsTo improve access to care for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Veterans, VA works with the Indian Health Service (IHS) and Tribal Health Programs (THP) to reimburse the cost of care provided to eligible Veterans at IHS and local THP facilities such as Lac Vieux Desert Health Center. Through reimbursement agreements between VA and IHS/THP facilities, care is provided to Veterans closer to home in a culturally sensitive environment.
If you are an eligible AI/AN Veterans, you do not need preauthorization to receive care through an IHS facility or a THP facility that has a reimbursement agreement with VA, and you do not have to pay a VA copayment.
To learn more information about the program, please visit the VA Office of Tribal Government Relations (OTGR) Veteran Resources website or contact the IHS/THP Team via the email listed below.*Much of the information above is sourced from the VA Community Care-associated resources at